Mr Savić: Replacing the paper document with an e-document for the accelerated development of digital economy

At the opening of the International Conference Infotech 2018 Assistant Minister for Information Society and Information Safety Sava Savić as pointed out the importance of the Law on Electronic Document, Electronic Identification and Trust Services in Electronic Transactions adopted in October last year.

“This Law will ensure not only a linear digitalisation and transition from paper to e-Document, but also a digital transformation of business and a change in the way of work, and therefore an accelerated development of a digital economy”, he emphasized.

Mr Savić: Replacing the paper document with an e-document for the accelerated development of digital economy

In order to have a fast application of this new Law, according to the words of the Assistant Minister, Regulations on closer conditions for provision of qualified trust services, Rulebook on the content and manner of keeping the Register of Qualified Trust Services, Rulebook on closer content and qualified electronic certificates, Rulebook on closer requirements to be met by the means for the creation of the qualified electronic signature and seal, and the Rulebook on the content and manner of keeping the Register of Qualified Means for the Creation of Electronic Signature and Electronic Seal have been created, defining the requirements to be met by the providers of qualified trust services, ensuring the confidentiality of data, protection against counterfeiting, unauthorised use, etc. ensuring the signature in the cloud, which will, among other things, increase the trust of the citizens in electronic services and accelerate the digitalisation of the public administration.

Mr Sava Savić has pointed out that the regulation of the field of electronic identification and introduction of various levels of identification schemes will ensure a mass use of electronic services and performance of electronic transactions, and the Law also ensures a development of trust services: guarantee of validity of data in electronic transactions, introduction of reliable signature in the cloud, electronic delivery, and qualified electronic storage, which will greatly reduce the abuse in electronic transactions.

“the Law regulates the service of providing a qualified electronic signature from the loud by which we want to respond to the trend of mobile way of living and the needs of the modern way of working, but also a mass application of electronic signature”, says Mr Savić.

In the panels called “How to make the electronic identification available to all?” and “Improved business with the use of block-chain technologies” the representatives of public authorities, economy, and the academic community had the opportunity to participate in the discussion on new technologies which will have the highest impact in the nearest future.

At the end of his speech Mr Savić thanked to the ASIT Association and the present companies, professors, eminent experts working on the realisation of the joint objectives with their activities, international cooperation and raising the IT capacities and raising the awareness and education in this field.