Mrs Pindžo: Large number of organised groups of foreign tourists is necessary

Assistant Minister Renata Pindžo has said early today that a large number of organised groups of foreign tourist is necessary if we want Serbia become a significant and serious touristic destination.

“Serbia must be classified in regional tours as well, that’s our chance when we speak of Chinese and other distant markets”, says Mrs Pindžo in the Regional Chamber of Niš where a meeting was held on the incentive programmes for travel agencies for bringing foreign tourists.

She has emphasized that these very incentives have a positive impact on our agencies to invest in partnerships with big tour operators.

Mrs Pindžo: Large number of organised groups of foreign tourists is necessary

Serbian Government has adopted the Regulation to encourage domestic travel agencies to improve the organised arrival of foreign tourists in the Republic of Serbia.

The most important novelty is that apart from the support to travel agencies, i.e. the trip organisers who organise the arrival of foreign tourists under certain conditions, incentives will be granted to domestic travel agencies who operate as local partners and realise a part of the touristic trips of the trip organisers, tour operators from abroad.

More precisely, the right to subsidies will have those domestic travel agencies, trip organisers, once they conclude agreements with foreign tour operators by which they are delegated the organisation and realisation of at least two services from the mentioned trip programme.

The regulation was adopted in direct cooperation with the Serbian Chamber of Commerce, representatives of all professional associations of travel agencies (YUTA, ATAS, ANTAS) and the receptive travel agencies they proposed.