Mr Ljajić: Period of absolutely best relations between Serbia and Turkey

Deputy Prime Minister of Serbia and Minister of Trade, Tourism, and Telecommunications Rasim Ljajić has stated in Istanbul that this period is the period of absolutely best relations between Serbia and Turkey.

“I can state that this is the period of best relations between the two countries, in political and any other aspect. The biggest credit for that belongs to the two presidents which set the frame, created the framework we need to finalise with concrete forms of economic, trade, and any other form of cooperation”, says Mr Ljajić at the Turkish Business Forum in Istanbul.

Mr Ljajić has said that Serbia and Turkey have political environment which is favourable for further development of relations.

“We have signed everything two countries can sign in the field of economic relations which creates a legal frame for the follow-up of the economic cooperation of the two countries. We are geographically close, have cultural similarities, communication which is permanent, and therefore, there are concrete activities of businessmen to make excellent results when it comes to the increase of trade”, says Mr Ljajić.