Mr Ljajić: New touristic activities on Avala getting ready

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Trade, Tourism, and Telecommunications Rasim Ljajić as participated in the celebration of eight years from construction of the new Avala Tower, and announced that many new interesting activities are getting ready for this significant touristic destination.

“New activities are getting ready for Avala, so that by 2020 the space around the Avala Tower would be complete, while this year we are expecting more than 200.000 people visiting the tower”, he said.

Mr Ljajić has added that a year ago there were no activities on Avala, and that now there are several facilities providing different types of activities for the visitors.

Mr Ljajić: New touristic activities on Avala getting ready

Celebration of first birthday of the tower was attended by the Mayor of Belgrade, Siniša Mali, who emphasized that today we have a new picture of Avala, different from the one of eight years ago.

“Eight years ago at this location the tower was the only thing here. Now we have several sport courts, new restaurants, bars, and thanks to the Tourism Agency for cooperation and coordination (TIKA), houses for souvenirs and other activities have been installed, so that there no reasons why the citizens wouldn’t come to Avala”, says the Mayor.

He emphasized that only last year there had been 15 per cent more tourists on Avala, and 20 per cent more overnight stays in Belgrade compared to 2016.

Public enterprise “Emisiona tehnika i veze” organised, for the eights birthday of the Avala Tower, a cultural and artistic programme and numerous events, but what the visitors found most interesting was the abseiling from the 106th metre of the Avala Tower, which was also done by the Minister Ljajić and Mayor Mali, and their courage was awarded by a round of applause by the people who were present there.

At the entire complex of the Avala Tower there were numerous creative and educational workshops, promotions of organic food from the villages at the bottom of Avala, and various activities for the youngest, such as karting track and archery.