Mr Ljajić: In 2018, vouchers for tourists and incentives for travel agencies

Minister of Trade, Tourism, and Telecommunications of Serbia Rasim Ljajić has said that for granting 80.000 vouchers for encouraging domestic tourism in 2018, Government has allocated 400 million dinars.

In the interview given to Beta agency, Minister has said that in 2017 there were around 91.000 vouchers granted, and that, if necessary, this year additional funds will be allocated for more vouchers.

He announced that an incentive measure for travel agencies in Serbia will be reintroduced for organised groups of foreign tourists and that 50 million dinars have been allocated for that.

“We want to help domestic travel agencies and agencies working with foreign partners”, says Mr Ljajić.

He explained that the measure envisages subsidies from five to 10 per cent per tourist, depending on the fact if it is the organiser of the journey or collaborating with another foreign agency.

The goal of the measure, as he has stated, is to attract higher number of foreign tourists to come to Serbia.

He reminded that last time in 2016, when the measure was introduced, the funds were not used, since the agencies complained about complicated procedures, and emphasized that now those procedures are significantly simplified.

“I believe that we will finally use those funds since we have fully simplified the procedures and that it will result in a higher number of foreign tourists”, says Mr Ljajić.