21st century school

Ministry of trade, Tourism, and Telecommunications has supported the regional programme of the British Council – “21st century schools in the West Balkans” in cooperation with this institution with the Ministry of Education and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, says State Secretary in the Ministry of Trade, Tourism, and Telecommunications Tatjana Matić.

“We believe that this initiative is fully in line with the national policy of education and priorities of Serbian Government, which are digitalisation and education”, says Ms Matić, who together with the coordinator for the Summit of the West Balkans Andrew Page was present in the experimental class about the micro bit devices within the project “21st century schools”, in the Primary School “Branislav Nušić” in Belgrade.

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State Secretary has reminded that the Ministry in charge of the information society and telecommunications is conducting a number of projects for raising digital competences of teachers and pupils and the capital project for improving the information and communication infrastructure in schools in Serbia, in cooperation with the Ministry of Education.

Project “21st century schools” is focused on the pupils who are from 10 to 14 years of age, and it covers: the training and support to school leaders, training and support to teachers, and available resources for developing digital skills of pupils and school networking.