Digital trainings for pensioners

State Secretary in the Ministry of Trade, Tourism, and Telecommunications Tatjana Matić has said that the digitalisation makes a general benefit for our society, and that it is necessary to include all generations in the contemporary digital developments.

Дигиталне обуке за пензионере

When presenting the project “Safe Old Age”, with the support by the Ministry in charge of the information society and telecommunications, is carried out by “Tijana Jurić” Foundation, State Secretary has stressed that in addition to the programme the Ministry has been carrying out for the third consecutive year already with the aim to develop digital literacy among the young, a need has been identified to achier ad develop digital skills by the elderly.

“As all other users of the Internet, pensioners are not sufficiently informed about the new trends in the virtual space, nor the risks or possible abuse. This is why the educational programmes are necessary for them as well, since the advantage of the new technologies, can be useful only if they are protected and digitally literate”, concluded Ms Matić.

Дигиталне обуке за пензионере

Ministry of Trade, Tourism, and Telecommunications has launched a training programme for pensioners with the aim to raise the level of their digital literacy and digital competences, within the Public Call for information society development programmes.