Ms Pindžo at the 6th Danube Salon in Berlin

Assistant Minister for Tourism Renata Pindžo has stated at the 6th Danube Salon in Berlin that the Danube as a symbol of the European cooperation not only links the countries, but also the people and ideas. During the panel on “Culture as a trigger of tourism in the Danube area” has stated that she believes that the objectives of the national tourism policies and strategies exceed the national borders, and that the development of the single pan-European touristic product, such as the Danube, of great importance both for Serbia and for other countries of the Danube region and Europe as the most important world touristic destination.

Пинџо на 6. Дунавском салону у Берлину

Ms Pindžo has said that Serbia has invested great resources in the previous period in improving primarily the touristic infrastructure in the Danube region, especially when it comes to reconstruction and rehabilitation of cultural and historical heritage in the Danube region and creation of conditions for their accessibility for tourists. She has stated that some works are still in progress on the realisation of the project “7 Danube fortresses” including the rehabilitation of Golubac and Ram, and the plan is to rehabilitate the Fetislam and Smederevo fortresses. In addition to that, the has underlined the importance of archaeological sites of Lepenski vir, a cultural route, and in particular the Route of Roman Emperors, Danube Wine route and the Danube cycle lane. The mentioned touristic products will contribute to the efficient and effective connection of the countries in the Danube region with the aim to create a single touristic product and a better positioning on the touristic market.

“Serbia is investing great efforts in promoting the new and integrated touristic offers on the Danube for the new generation of tourists, interested in active free time spending, enjoying the culture, history, various events, climbing, cycling, nautical tourism, nature, gastronomy and above all – hospitality” says Ms Renata Pindžo.

Organiser of the 6th Danube Salon, held during the ITB Berlin, the largest fair of tourism in the world, is the Representative of the German Federal Province Baden – Württemberg in Berlin and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Serbia was a partner country on the 4th Danube Salon in 2016. Serbian participation on the Danube Salon is of special importance, having in mind the fact that the Danube is highly positioned on the list of development priorities of the Government of the Republic of Serbia for the next period, but also from the aspect of improvement of the overall relations with Baden- Württemberg.