“Alibaba“ is coming to Serbia

State Secretary in the Ministry of Trade, Tourism, and Telecommunications Tatjana Matić, says that “Alibaba Group” has expressed a huge interest in expanding the business on the Serbian market, after the meeting with the heads of that company in the headquarters in Hangzhou.

“Alibaba“ is coming to Serbia

“Cooperation has been agreed between the “Alibaba” company and Ministry of Trade, Tourism, and Telecommunications in the field of online tourism, e-Trade, and logistics”, says Ms Matić, explaining that work teams will be formed to define the activities for the realisation of the joint projects within these fields.

“The meeting was held in a very friendly air. It was concluded that Serbian market is of extreme interest for “Alibaba” and that in cooperation with the Ministry of Trade, Tourism, and Telecommunications it will come to the Serbian market in the upcoming few months”, stressed State Secretary.

“Alibaba“ is coming to Serbia

She has added that after defining concrete project activities, Memorandum of Understanding will be signed between the Ministry and “Alibaba Group”.

In the meeting in Hangzhou, representatives of “Alibaba” presented the work of their company operating in 156 countries in the world and at this point there are more than 11 million employees and 488 million active users.