Safe Internet Day

Ministry of Trade, Tourism, and Telecommunications is organising the conference on the Safe Internet Day on Tuesday, February 6, 2018, starting at 11 o’clock in the Scientific Research Park Belgrade.

The conference will be ceremoniously opened by the State Secretary in the Ministry of Trade, Tourism, and Telecommunications Tatjana Matić, and the introductory speech will be delivered by the State Secretary in the Ministry of Education, Science, and Technological Development Anamarija Viček and the representative of UNICEF to Serbia Michael Saint-Lot.

The occasion will be used to hand the diplomas to the teachers awarded in the Public Competition of the Ministry of Trade, Tourism, and Telecommunications “Digital Class”.

Дан безбедног интернета

There will be two panel within the conference on: “Digital literacy for digital safety” and “Institutional and civil response to online safety threatening for children”.

International Safe Internet Day is celebrated this year under the slogan: “Create, connect, share respect: Better Internet starts with you”.

The attendance to the conference is necessary to announce to the mail

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