Competition for granting incentives and additional funds intended for the tourism development projects in 2018

Ministry of Trade, Tourism, and Telecommunications is making a Public Call for granting subsidies and additional funds intended for tourism development projects in 2018.

The competition envisages incentives for construction of the infrastructure and superstructure in touristic destination and for projects f promotion, education and training in tourism in the Republic of Serbia.

Right to use the grants shall have the destination management organisations, economic entities and other organisations and institutions founded by the Government or a local self-government unit, which are not indirect beneficiaries of the budget, as well as legal entities in which the Republic of Serbia is a majority owner and legal entities managing the touristic areas or facilities of touristic infrastructure and superstructure, bodies of the AP of Vojvodina competent for the activities in the field of tourism, and legal entities founded by the AP of Vojvodina to which performance of the activities in tourism was entrusted, local self-government units in line with the Law on Local Self-Government (“Official Gazette of RS”, no 129/07 and 83/14 – other law), touristic organisations and other legal entities founded by local self-governments to which performance the activities in tourism was entrusted, as well as non-profit organisation for realisation of tourism development projects.

There are criteria to be met when granting the fund, regarding the level of alignment of the project with the Strategy of Tourism Development of the Republic of Serbia, development of priority touristic products, touristic space as well as adequate management of touristic resources and development processes in tourism and the level of development of a municipality.

Information about the competition and the application form for use of the grants can be downloaded from the web page of the Ministry of Trade, Tourism, and Telecommunications,

Application for use of subsidies and additional funds shall be submitted to the Ministry of Trade, Tourism, and Telecommunications, Department for Tourism, 22-26 Nemanjina Street, only via postal service or the clerk’s office of the Ministry.