IT trainings for women

State Secretary in the Ministry of Trade, Tourism, and Telecommunication Tatjana Matić has welcomed the beginning of the trainings in the field of coding for women, conducted by the association “Employment ORG” in Belgrade and Women Initiative of Novi Sad in Novi Sad, within the support programme of the Ministry of Trade, Tourism, and Telecommunications.

After the completed preparation lectures and the final testing, groups of 20 students were formed in Belgrade, and of 30 students in Novi Sad, attending the program of retraining in the IT sectors, i.e. training in coding.

IT trainings for women

State Secretary has reminded that these projects are among nine selected in the Public Tender for granting funds for the programmes in the field of development of the information society in 2017, on raising the level of digital literacy and digital competences – retraining and additional trainings of women in the IT.

“Retraining programmes were launched in line with the Strategy of Developing IT Industry with the aim to provide support to that sector, where the lack of staff has been identified as a huge issue. On the other hand, the programmes have the aim to make an economically and socially strong women and their higher representation in the sector which offer various opportunities for a faster professional development”, says Ms Matić.

IT trainings for women

She said that a huge interest of women for the selected projects which realisation has stated and that a new cycle of the retraining programmes is planned for the next year, which will engage a higher number of students.

Trainings have started recently in Novi Pazar as well, where the Citizen Association “Lighthouse” increased the number of students compared to the one initially planned, and also in Belgrade, in Municipality of Savski Venac, within the project of the Citizen Association “Local Self-Organisation”.

Programmes are launched by the Junior Chamber International from Zrenjanin and Centre for Entrepreneurship from Kraguejvac, and at the competition of the Ministry, projects of the Vojvodina ICT clusted from Novi Sad, Centre for Activism from Vranje, and Association SEE ICT from Belgrade were also approved.