Launched prize-winning competition „Digital Class“ in school 2017/2018

Ministry of Trade, Tourism, and Telecommunications is launching the Prize-winning competition for primary school teachers “Digital Class” in the school 2017/2018, which aim is to encourage the use of information technologies as a teaching resource, i.e. the use of information technologies applicable in teaching and also aligned with the tasks and objectives of the class.

The prize-winning competition is intended for all subject and class teachers of primary school founded by the Republic of Serbia.

The paper should contain the following:

– Presentation of one teaching unit which realisation is done with the use of information technologies as a teaching resource
– Presentation of activities realised in a certain period of time where ICT was put into function of solving a certain, previously identified, teaching problem (e.g. discipline, motivation, attention, absence).
The paper be classified into one of the three groups of teaching subjects, as follows:
– Mathematics, computer science, accounting, and technical education
(from toy to computer, technical and computer education, information technology and computing)
– Social sciences, art and sport
(Serbian, foreign language, national minority mother tongue, fine arts, musical culture, physical education, religion, civics, national tradition, hands in dough, nice writing, mother language/speech with elements of national culture, chess, history, everyday life in the past; drawing, painting and sculpturing, chorus and orchestra);
– Natural sciences
(world around us, nature and society, discovering the world, nature guardians, geography, biology, chemistry, physics).

The papers shall be submitted before 15 October 2017, by filling out the electronic application on the web page:
Requirements of the competition and the information regarding the process of application can be found in the text of the competition.

 Наградни конкурс за наставнике основних школа
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