Mr Ljajić and Mr Ju De Jong about improving the relations between Serbia and the Republic of Korea

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Rasim Ljaić has met today with the Ambassador of the Republic of Korea Ju De Jong, and the two discussed the improvement of the overall economic relations between the two countries, and about the ways of increasing the number of arrivals of Korean tourists to Serbia.

Deputy Prime Minister Rasim Ljajić and Ambasador Ju De Jong agreed that it is necessary to harmonise and enter the agreement on encouraging an
d protecting the investment between the two countries as soon as possible, by which the atmosphere for new investment coming from the Republic Korea in the economy of our country could be improved.

Speaking of the cooperation in the field of tourism, Ambassador Ju De Jong has expressed the willingness to help the promotion of Serbian touristic offer on the market of the Republic of Korea.

Mr Ju De Jong has underlined that the is a huge potential for a multiple increase of the number of Korean tourists in Serbia, since more than 17 million people annually from that country travels abroad, and many of them go on holidays in Europe.