Strategy of Information Safety to further strengthen digital protection

State Secretary in the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Tatjana Matić has welcomed the adoption of the Strategy of Development of Information Safety on today’s session of the Government of Serbia, emphasizing that the decision confirms the commitment of the government to tackle global world challenges in protection of data, information systems and achieve a better safety of citizens in the digital environment.

Стратегија информационе безбедности за даље јачање дигиталне заштите

“The Strategy also defines raising the awareness of parents and children on this issue, strengthening of the role of school through relevant school programmes, building of capacities of teachers, and raising the capacities of the institutions such as the Ministry of Interior, Centres for social work and healthcare institutions”, Ms Matić has stressed, and whom the Serbian Government has appointed today for the Manager of the Coordination Body for Information Safety Operations.

She has mentioned that it was strategically planned to strengthen the role of the single place for provision of advice and reception of complaints regarding the online safety of children, and to define measures which could at the technical level curb the exposure of children to inadequate contents.

On May 29, 2017, the Government of the Republic of Serbia adopted the Strategy of Development of Information Safety in the Republic of Serbia for period 2017-2020. The Strategy defines the priority fields: safety of ICT systems, information safety of citizens, fight against high-tech crime, information safety of the Republic of Serbia and international cooperation. Adoption of this strategy is a fulfilment of an obligation by the Republic of Serbia in the field of information safety in the accession process to the European Union.