Serbia has conditions for implementation of new technological solutions

“In the light of the latest global cyber-attack, it has been proved once again that the information safety is a key factor in the development of information society and that Serbia has to respond to this global challenge, even though it hasn’t been attacked yet. At the same time, the accelerated technological development requires the monitoring process and solutions to bring benefits to the entire society, for which we have a good legislation and infrastructure, which, on the other side, has to be improved further”, says State Secretary in the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Tatjana Matić, at the conference on the World Telecommunications and Information Society Day.


She has stressed that strengthening the trust in the digitalisation process, storage and keeping of data for their own efficient use, is a key thing for a wider application of efficient technological solutions such as Internet of Things and Bid Rata, which are the subject of this year’s World Telecommunication and Information Society Day.

“In Serbia we have the Law on Information Safety, and we’ve adopted bylaws defining the competences, protective measures and procedures in case when safety of systems and data is jeopardised. Also, we created the Strategy of Development of Information Safety defining priorities and measures for improving the information safety until 2020, which adoption we expect to take place soon”, State Secretary has said.

She has added that apart from the protection of the systems and data for a purposeful application of new technologies in all branches of economy and society, it is necessary to have a developed infrastructure, reminding that the policy of the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications in the field of development of broadband infrastructure is aligned with the Digital Agenda 2020, and that new legal regulation will be aligned with the Strategy for a Single Digital Market 2025.

Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications, on the occasion of the World Telecommunication and Information Society Day, has organised a conference in the Startit Centre in Belgrade, where the representatives of the Ministry spoke on strategic frame for support of IoT and Big Data, Information safety and development of the broadband network, while the participants from companies and communities in the field of information technologies presented practical applications of Big Data solutions.

World Telecommunication and Information Society Day (WTISD), which this year’s topic is Big Data for Big Impact, is celebrated every May 17, at the anniversary of the first international telegraph convention in 1865, that is, on the day of establishing the International Telecommunication Union in Paris.