Mr Ljajić has opened the festival „Belgrade Manifest“

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Rasim Ljajić has opened tonight at Kalemegdan Third festival of manifestations and destinations “Belgrade Manifest”, which will last until May 28.

Mr Ljajić has expressed his expectations that the stands of the presenters will be visited by more than 80.000 people, saying that this manifestation will surpass all expectations, not only when it comes to the number of presenters but when it comes to the number of cities and visitors as well.

“This is the best chance to have Serbia presenting what it has, not only when it comes to manifestations, but when it comes to significant touristic destinations” he said, adding that this year around one million tourists are expected to visit Belgrade, out of which 80 per cent are foreigners.

Minister has expressed his pleasure with the model of cooperation in the field of tourism with Montenegro, with which Serbia has a partnership.

“Not only do we help each other and participate jointly in fairs worldwide, but also create joint touristic products, trying to attract a larger number of tourists from abroad. We want to use this event to demonstrate that form of partnership”, he explained.

Minister of Tourism of Montenegro Pavle Radulović has said that his country is presenting itself under the slogan “Always different”, stressing that tourism, as the main economic branch, has been growing year after year.

According to his words, last year in Montenegro 24 hotels were opened, out of which 20 four star and five star hotels.

Festival will be divided, as it was the case in the past, into several zones to offer rich contents and fun for entire families.

In the Upper City of the Belgrade Fortress representatives of more than 60 municipalities from Serbia will gather to present their touristic offer, culture, events and festivals held in their region.

The central stage will host performances of music bands and cultural and artistic programmes from all regions of Serbia, and at the stands of municipalities visitors will have the opportunity to taste homemade wine, and culinary specialties specific for a certain area they come from.

Apart from numerous municipalities from Serbia, there will also be presenters from Turkey, Slovenia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia and other countries, which together with their travel agencies will offer to the visitors valuable awards such as free arrangement and plane tickets.