Expecting more than 3 million tourists in 2017

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Rasim Ljajić has said early today to as a guest in a TV show on RTS that this year he expects a better touristic season than the previous one and more than three million tourists in Serbia.

“Out of that number we expect 1.4 million of foreign tourists and a billion and three million euros of foreign currency inflow. So far we have handed out 43.000 vouchers for summer holidays in Serbia, and we expect to hand out 70.000 this year”, says Mr Ljajić.

He has said that safety and stability in some countries are a dominant motif if tourists will travel to a specific country.

“Tunisia and Egypt are erased from the world touristic map. Turkey is also facing issues to preserve its tourism as well. We give recommendations every year if there is a danger of having a summer holiday in a country, but it is up to the citizens to decide where they will go”, says Minister.

Mr Ljajić has mentioned that it is not recommended to travel to the countries which are potentially in danger from new terrorist attacks.