A conference „Digital World in PUKOS“ was held in Sava Centar

The largest conference of cable operators in the Balkans named “Digital World in PUKOS” traditionally organised by the Business association of cable operators of Serbia – PUKOS, was held in Sava Centar in Belgrade.
Assistant Minister for Information Society of Serbia Sava Savić and the Manager of the Group for Digital Agenda Milan Dobrijević participated in the Conference, as well as other representatives of state bodies, regulatory boidies, significant telecommunication companies, programme contents and cable operators from Serbia and abroad.
Assistant Minister has said that the Law on the Information Safety and regulations adopted based on this law, establish the systemic frame of the information safety, define competent bodies in this field and recognise the ICT system operators of particular significance for the Republic of Serbia.
Mr Savić has particularly stressed that legal entities performing the activity of electronic communications, in line with the Law on Electronic Communications, are selected as ICT system operators of special significance, since it has been established that provision of their services is of great significance for the functioning of the society, and that accordingly, it is necessary that they undertake adequate and technical organisational measures for protection of their ICT systems, and to adopt the Act on Safety of the ICT systems.
In addition to that, Mr Savić has pointed out that these operators are obliged to report incidents which significantly jeopardize the information safety, since timely information of the public and competent bodies can greatly help the prevention of incident expanding and elimination of its consequences. Ma Savić has stressed the exception from the general rule according to which these incidents are reported to the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications, for the operators of electronic communications the regime which existed before the adoption of the Law on Electronic Communication will apply, and that these incidents should still be reported to RATEL.

Mr Savić has informed those present that the Strategy of development of the information safety in the Republic of Serbia for the period 2017-202, is finished and that this week it is going to be forwarded to the Government for opinion and adoption. He has stated that the general objective of the Strategy of development and improvement of the information safety in the Republic of Serbia and its maintenance at the adequate level, and that the Strategy recognises five priority development fields: safety of the information and communication systems, information safety of citizens, fight against high-tech criminal, information safety of the Republic of Serbia and the international cooperation in the field of information safety.

Mr Savić has said that the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications governs the Coordination Body for Information Safety Affairs. Preparations for the beginning of functioning of the National CERT are ongoing, and we expect this body to be operational in 2017”, said Mr Savić, adding that CERT of the state bodies (UZZPRO) has protected the state bodies systems for years , and some institutions have already established CERTSs (such as MUP CERT, AMRES CERT).

Milan Dobrijević has presented the National programme for development of broadband network. “Broadband access network and the information and communication technologies are today an integral part of the basic infrastructure. Development of the telecommunication broadband infrastructure is very important, since technical abilities of the constructed infrastructure should follow the developments of various apps, especially the apps ensuring e-Governance, e-Education and e-Health. These apps are relatively demanding regarding the flow, i.e. they require the broadband connection”, say Mr Dobrijević.
Mr Milan Dorbijević has pointed out that the objective of the Republic of Serbia is to build optical capacities as soon as possible along the traffic directions, there where they are missing, i.e. in urban areas where it has not been developed yet.

“Fast construction of the broadband network provides a great chance to the Republic of Serbia for speeding up its development and overcome the economic difficulties it faces” says Mr Dorbijević.
This year’s Conference is focused on the topics of regulations which dominantly affect the business environment of cable operators in Serbia and the world, information safety, relations with owners of the contents in the realisation of distribution channels and technical and organisational solutions in the realisation of distribution networks.

The presentation part was participated by more than 20 foreign and domestic firms.