Joint solutions for stabilisation of “Agrokor“ concern

Participants of today’s meeting, aware of the importance of “Agrokor” group for all countries in the region, and its influence on the economy of every country and share in the GDB, supporting the efforts of the Republic of Croatia in order to stabilize the business of the “Agrokor” system, and in order to protect the employees and interests of the suppliers, have made several conclusions.

Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vučić, Deputy Prime Minister Rasim Ljajić, Minister of Agriculture and Environmental Protection Branislav Nedimović, Vice President of the Council of Ministers and Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of Bosnia and Herzegovina Mirko Šarović, Minister of Economy in the Government of the Republic of Montenegro Dragica Sekulić and Minister of Economic Development and Technology in the Government of the Republic of Slovenia Zdravko Počivalšek, have made the following conclusions:

1. A ministerial team is established to be in a daily communication in order to exchange information and take joint activities on preservation of jobs, interest of suppliers and stabile operations of the firms belonging to “Agrokor” in each of the countries,
2. Each country will undertake control of financial and goods flows of the companies related to “Agrokor” in line with the law valid in the four countries,
3. It is expected that the new manager of “Agrokor” should appoint independent experts for a successful reconstruction of the firms belonging to the concern,
4. It is expected that the new management of “Agrokor” equally treats all suppliers, in Croatia and outside of Croatia.
5. Readiness has been shown to talk with the representatives of the Government of the Republic of Croatia in order to find joint solutions for the stabilisation of the business of entire “Agrokor” concern.