New laws for a successful digitalisation follow-up

State Secretary in the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Tatjana Matić has said that a good legal regulation has prepared for a successful digitalisation follow-up and development of telecommunications, aligned with the EU acquis from that field.

In the meeting “Dialogue for Changes”, organised by the Council of foreign investors, on the topics of digitalisation and telecommunications, the State Secretary has reminded that the adoption of the new law on electronic document, electronic identification and trust services, which was waited for the new seating of the Parliament, will significantly contribute to the improvement of business environment in Serbia.

“This Law will ensure faster and more efficient business, reduction of business costs, development of trust service market, as well as a more efficient work of public authorities”, said State Secretary, stating that the new regulations, inter alia, will provide that electronic documents are recognised as these printed ones, develop electronic documentation, electronic delivery and qualified electronic seal which will have the same legal effect as a hand-written signature.

Ms Matić has stressed that the new law on electronic communications is rather important for the digitalisation process as well, which draft has undergone the public debate, and which defines the improvement of protection of end users of electronic communications services.

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The meeting “Dialogue for Changes”, held at the Metropol Palas Hotel in Belgrade, the panel discussion was participated by the Minister of State Administration and Local Self-Government Ana Brnabić, Chairperson of the Board for e-Business of the Council Jasmina Vignjević and Chairperson of the Board for Telecommunication and Information Technologies of the Council Marko Jović.
The meeting was opened by the newly elected Chairperson of the Council of Foreign Investors Ingeborg Ofsthus.