Full modernisation of teaching means obligatory IT science in school

State Secretary in the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunication Tatjana Matić has said that the introduction of the IT science as an obligatory subject in primary education is a step towards a full modernisation of teaching in line with the contemporary standards.

Обавезна информатика ка потпуној модернизацији наставе

She has assessed that making the modernised curriculum for t
he second cycle of primary education, created by the Institute for Improving Education, is a sign that the need of young people for innovative and adequate curriculum has been institutionally recognised.
“This subject will contribute, inter alia, to the motivation of a larger number of pupils to consider choosing software developer careers, but also to encourage the development of digital skills in those children who would choose to do something else, which is not closely related to the IT sector. We shouldn’t neglect the fact that the IT thinking helps in learning, by developing the selection skills and information linking”, Ms Matić has stressed.

“Children already use digital technologies and it is necessary to provide them with digital education programs at the national level, in order to avoid inequality in using digital technologies, and prevent further occurrence of social and economic gap”, State Secretary has concluded.