First plane of Turkish company „AtlasGlobal“ has landed in Belgrade

Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbia and Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Rasim Ljajić has welcomed tonight the first plane of Turkish airline “AtlasGlobal”, which is going to fly on a regular line Belgrade-Istanbul.

At the Airport “Nikola Tesla” Mr Ljajić, while greeting the representatives of the mentioned company together with Turkish Ambassador to Serbia Tanju Bilgic, sad underlined that shows good economic relations the two countries have.

Први авион турске компаније „АтласГлобал“слетео у Београд

It is a commercial contract of “Air Serbia” and “AtlasGlobal”, as he has explained, expressing his hope that the new line will increase the number of Turkish tourists, as last year there were 30 per cent of them more than in 2015.

In the previous year we registered 136 new Turkish companies in Serbia, which is a lot more than in the previous five years, as Mr Ljajić has stressed, underlining that this year there have been 23 new companies registered so far.

According to his words, the trade in goods with Turkey has reached 850 million euros, which speaks in favour of the great economic interest, strengthening of trade and numerous opportunities to be seen in the future.

Mr Bilgic has welcomed the Turkish airline company, expressing his expectations that his airline will contribute to an increase of the number of tourists, and he availed himself of the opportunity to mention that Turkish entrepreneurs would like to invest in all parts of Serbia.

CEO of Airport “Nikola Tesla” Raša Ristivojević has reminded that this airport hosts 33 airline companies for 66 destinations, which is a serious step forward, both in terms of the number of passengers and the financial part.