20 million dinars to be allocated next year for consumer protection

Deputy Prime Minister of Serbia and Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Rasim Ljajić has stated today when visiting a national trade chain DIS in Pančevo, regarding the Consumer Rights Protection Day, that 20 million dinars will be allocated for organisation of consumer protection next year.

“Last year we had 16.400 complaint at the level of entire Serbia, which is by 1.900 more than the year before that, which speaks in favour of the fact that consumers became more informed”, Believes Mr Ljajić.

Следеће године 20 милиона динара за заштиту потрошача

Minister has reminded that in the previous period in Serbia there were five organisations in charge of protection of consumers, and now there are seven, which, as he has stated, increases the possibility of reporting irregularities.

The biggest number of complaints, 20 per cent, referred to clothes and footwear, 12 per cent on mobile phones, seven per cent on computers, six on appliances, and four per cent on furniture, TV sets and other, Mr Ljajić has stated.

“In 2018, we are going to harmonise the Law on Consumers, which in 95 per cent has already been aligned with the European one, so that we are going to transpose two additional directives”, Mr Ljajić has said.

He has also reminded that the government has allocated 15 million dinars this year for the organisations in charge of consumer protection which is, according to him, a significant improvement in this field.