Increase the merchandise trade between Serbia and Turkey

Deputy Prime Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Rasim Ljajić has met today in Ankara with the Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim, and the two have talked on improving the total bilateral relations and economic cooperation of the two countries.

PM Binali Yildirim has said that Turkey supports the reforms implemented by Serbian Government, adding that a special place in the relations of the two countries belongs to the economic cooperation, which volume could increase every year and cover more economic fields.

Повећати робну размену Србије и Турске

Mr Yildirim has said that the Turkish Government will support all development and infrastructural projects which are of interest for both countries, pointing out that the first priority is the construction of the motorway Belgrade-Sarajevo, which is going to be jointly realised by Serbia, Turkey and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Deputy Prime Minister Rasim Ljajić has expressed his pleasure with the improvement with the negotiations on expanding the volume of trade in goods and services to be placed in the free-trade regime between Serbia and Turkey. He has added that he expects that agreement to be signed by June this year.

Mr Ljajić has also asked from the Government in Ankara to ensure a quota for customs-free export of meat from Serbia to Turkey, with would significantly contribute to the trade of the two countries this year, exceeding a billion euros.

Deputy Prime Minister Rasim Ljajić has met with the Minister of Economy Nihat Zeybecki, and the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Livestock Faruk Celik.

In the meeting with the Turkish officials Mr Ljajić has said that a this year there will be a reconstruction of the Kalemegdan and Ram Fortress with the support of the funds provided by the Turkish International Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TIKA).