Call for granting loans for encouraging quality touristic offer

Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunication is publishing a public call for granting loans for encouraging quality touristic offer in 2017.

The call envisages granting loans for improving the quality of touristic offer and intensification of its use, construction of touristic infrastructure and suprastructure and alignment of tourism capacities with the Law on Tourism.

Eligibility to use loans shall have those economic entities registered for performing an activity in the field of tourism, entrepreneurs registered for performing an activity in the field of tourism and agricultural holdings registered in the Register of Agricultural Holdings in line with the Law on Agriculture and Rural Development.

Application to use loans, together with the required documentation shall be submitted to the Ministry of Trade, Tourism, and Telecommunications, Sector for Tourism, 22-26 Nemanjina Street., Belgrade, with the note “Kredit za razvoj turizma”, only by post or through registration desk of the Ministry.

Time deadline for applying is November 1, 2017. The final deadline for submitting amendments to the application is December 1, 2017.

Information on the call and the application form for using loans can be downloaded from the web presentation of the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications

All additional information can be obtained by phoning: 011/3139697