Adopted amendments to the regulation on monitoring the quality of oil products and biofuel

Government of the Republic of Serbia has adopted a Regulation on amendments to the regulation on monitoring the quality of oil products and biofuel, defining the obligation of energy operators to provide data to the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications.

Energy operator starting the performance of energy activity of trade in motor and other fuels at stations for vehicle supply shall be obliged, within seven days from the day of the beginning of operating the energy activity, to provide data on energy facilities used for the performance of the energy activity on the Form O-1 – Registration of trade in motor and other fuels at stations for vehicle supply.

Energy operators performing the energy activity of trade in motor and other fuels at stations for vehicle supply shall be obliged, in case of change of the energy facilities used for the performance of the energy activity, to provide the new data within 15 days from the day when the change occurred.

For violation of the Regulation, the fines from RSD50.000 to RSD500.000 are defined.

Contact number for additional information is 011 2643 028

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