Competition for granting subsidies and grants for projects of tourism development in 2017

Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications is making a public competition for granting subsidies and grants for projects for tourism development in 2017.

The competition refers to the subsidies for construction of infrastructure and suprastructure in touristic destination and to the projects of promotion, education and training in tourism in the Republic of Serbia.

Eligibility to grants have the destination management organisations, enterprises, or other organisations and institutions founded by the Government or local self-government units, which are not direct budget beneficiaries, as well as legal entities in which the major owner is the Republic of Serbia and a legal entity managing the touristic space or buildings of touristic infrastructure and suprastructure, local self-government units in line with the Law on Local Self-Government (“Official Gazette of RS”, No 129/07 and 83/14 – other law), local touristic organisations, as well as non-government organisations for the realisation of projects of tourism development.

When granting the funds, the criteria must be met which refer to the level of compliance of the project to the Strategy for Tourism Development in the Republic of Serbia, priority touristic products, touristic areas and adequate management of touristic resources and development processes in tourism and the level of development of a certain municipality.

Information on the competition and the application form for using grants can be downloaded from the web presentation of the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications (

Application for using subsidies and grants shall be submitted to the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications, Sector for Tourism, Nemanjina 22-26, Belgrade, only by mail or through the registry desk of the Ministry.

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