Celebration regarding the 295th anniversary of the Old Weifert Brewery in Pančevo

On January 12, 2017, a celebration regarding the 295th anniversary of the Old Weifert Brewery in Pančevo was held.

The celebration was attended by the Assistant for economic development of the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunication, Aleksandar Denda, when he discussed the possibility of further cooperation with H.E. Ambassador of the Republic of Hungary to Serbia Dr Atila Pinter, the representative for economic affairs of the Embassy of Romania Stefan Imre, the Mayor of the City of Pančevo, Mr Saša Pavlov, as well as the representatives of the Citizen Association “Brewery Museum of George Weifert”, with the aim of establishing a new regional touristic offer.

In that respect, in his address, he has stressed that the old industrial buildings hide a huge touristic potential and that they require a new sustainable purpose in the function of culture and tourism. The idea is to work on the development of the European programme of cross-border cooperation with the neighbouring countries Hungary and Romania, and other – in the region, as a new touristic offer. The project which could be named “The Beer Routes” would connect breweries in the mentioned countries, and other numerous activities and contents would be involved as well. We need to bear in mind the good practice of other European countries where industrial buildings such as breweries, after being closed, got a new purpose, and the people who were left without job got a new chance for employment, while the cultural and industrial heritage was not disturbed.