Mr Savić at a seminar on improving cyber safety

Assistant Minister for information society Mr Sava Savić has opened early today in the “Petnica” Science Centre a seminar named “Improving the milieu of cyber safety in Serbia upon adopting the Strategy for Information Safety”, organised by OSCE Mission to Serbia.

Mr Savić has stressed that in 2016, a regional framework has been established, the Law on the Information Safety has been adopted as well as the bylaws: Ruling on closer development of the list of jobs and activities of the ITC system of particular importance, Ruling on closer requirements for protection measures for the ICT system of particular importance, Ruling on closer content of safety acts for the ICT system, manner of internal control of the ICT system and content of the reports of the ICT system control and Ruling on the list of incidents reported by the ICT systems of special importance to the Competent body.

Assistant Minister has added that in 2016, a Government Body has been established for coordination of activities of the information safety as well as a working group for the creation of the Strategy for Development of Information Safety of the Republic of Serbia.

Mr Sava Savić has pointed out that the Strategy for Development of the Information Society in the Republic of Serbia by 2020, lists information safety as one of six strategic priorities, adding that within the priorities of the information safety, four key objectives have been defined: improving the legal and institutional framework for information safety, protection of critical information structures, fight against high-tech crime.

Using the opportunity Mr Savić has presented the project for establishing a unique national contact centre for online safety of children, launched based on the Regulation on Online Safety of Children, which requires prevention and education in these fields, and establishing the centre for reporting all forms of internet abuse.

Mr Savić has pointed out that in addition to improving online safety of children, the project’s objective is also prevention and education, and raising the level of digital literacy of all Serbian citizens, adding that the work of this centre will involve also other competent institutions such as the Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health and Ministry of Labour and Social Policy.

In spring 2015, the OSCE Mission to Serbia implemented the project: “Towards the National Framework for Cyber Security in Serbia: creation of a higher partner platform” in cooperation with the civil society organisations Diplo centre and with the support by DCAF. As part of the continuation of the activities started by this project, the Mission organised a seminar last year, named “Towards the National Strategy for Cybersecurity in Serbia – missing parts”.

“Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications has a Body for coordination of operations of information safety. Preparations for the beginning of functioning of the National CERT are ongoing, and we expect that this Body will become operational in 2017”, Mr Sava Savić has said, adding that the CERT of government bodies (UZZPRO) has been protecting the systems of government bodies for years already, and that individual institutions have already established CERTs (such as the CERT of the Ministry of Interior, AMRES CERT).

This seminar, which takes place in the period of December 20-22, will be attended by the representatives of key government institutions in this field, private sector and civil society organisations.
The OSCE Mission to Serbia supports the development of the national framework in Serbia related to the increasing threats coming from the cyber space, with the inclusion of the public, corporative and academic sector, as well as the civil society organisations.