Decision on selection of programmes in the field of information society development in the Republic of Serbia

Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications is publishing the final results of the Public Call for granting funds for programmes in the field of development of information society in the Republic of Serbia in 2016.

There were 164 application with programme proposals. The Committee for ranking and selection of programme proposals has made the evaluation of the fulfilment of the requirements for participation of applicants, which included the following: the programme proposals were timely received at the front desk of the Ministry, applicants had a legal status which is necessary for participating in the competition i.e. it is registered in the relevant Register and it submitted the full basic documentation in the manner prescribed by the Competition.

The programme proposals of the applicants who did not meet these requirements were not taken into consideration.

162 programme proposals from the field of development of the information society in the Republic of Serbia 2015, met the requirements, and 61 received funds allocated from the budget of the Republic of Serbia

Одлука о избору програма из области развоја информационог друштва у Републици Србији
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