Ms Pindžo at the presentation of the campaign „Serbia – Everything I love“

Assistant Minister for Tourism Ms Renata Pindžo, has said that according to the current results it has been assessed that the foreign currency inflow from tourism in 2016 will be about billion euros, which confirms that 2016 has been another record year.

In her speech at the presentation of the campaign “Serbia – Everything I Love” of the Tourism Organisation of Serbia, Ms Pindžo has stressed that we expect a lot from the upcoming winter season, primarily in the mountains centres, but also in spas and cities. She has praised the previous successful cooperation with the TOS and professional associations and confirmed that the Ministry provides support to all constructive ideas of the professional organisations.

Ms Pindžo has also mentioned that the well-spent funds from EU, regional initiatives and other numerous investments in tourism, helped Serbia to officially claim its place among the most desired destinations in Europe.

This success has been noted in the international circles and it is likely that Serbia will keep the third consecutive term as the Vice-Chair of the Executive Council of the World Tourism Organisation.
Assistant Minister has emphasised the pleasure for the recently adopted Strategy for Development of Tourism, stating that for the adoption of such an important document, a great significance had the dialogue between the Ministry and economy. “Strategy offers measures and plans ensuring the development of business and promotion of competitiveness on the national and foreign market”, she has said.

Speaking of the vouchers, Ms Pindžo has stated that the action has regained trust in domestic tourism. “Thanks to the action of granting vouchers, the citizens have the opportunity to learn more about their own country, and Serbia is becoming an attractive tourist destination again”, she has concluded.