Adopted strategic documents for development of IT industry and promotion of information safety

State Secretary in the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Tatjana Matić, has said that the adoption of the Strategy for development of the IT industry, adopted by the Government of the Republic of Serbia upon the proposal of that Ministry, in the session held on November 17, has opened a big opportunity for encouraging the IT sector, by which the Government of Serbia has affirmed that the IT is one of the strategic priorities in its programme.

“Strategy for IT industry, prepared with the consultations with the representatives of the leading IT clusters, Serbian Chamber of Commerce and other competent institutions, is an important document which makes the foundation of further development of concrete programmes we are going to use for production and export capacities of the IT sector”, Ms Tatjana Matić has said.

Усвојена стратешка документа за развој ИТ индустрије и унапређење  информационе безбедности

“We have defined the strategic priorities: development of successful enterprises and production in the field of information technologies, promotion of administrative environment suitable for development of the IT industry, strengthening the staff potentials and modernisation of operations in all economic sectors by using IT”, Ms Matić has emphasised, announcing the upcoming adoption of the Action Plan of the Strategy for development of the information technologies, which will, inter alia, define the measures for improving the operation conditions of domestic IT companies, encouragement of establishing new IT enterprises and production of own IT products, as well as the support to development of IT staff, in order to use the possibilities for recruitment.

“We have the opportunity not only to further develop IT, but to place it in service of the entire industry and all the citizens, and thus create the environment for a fast and efficient business for the benefit of all”, Ms Matić has said.

She has mentioned that the development of the information society is also crucial for the adoption of four regulations of the Law on Information Safety, which took place in yesterday’s Government session.
The following documents have been adopted: Regulation on closer definition of the acts on safety of the ICT systems of special importance, manner of control and the content of the reporting on control of safety of ICT systems of special importance; Regulation on closer development of safeguard measures for ICT systems of special importance; Regulation on definition of the list of activities in the fields in which the activity of general interest is performed and which use the ICT systems of special importance; as well as the Regulation on the procedure for providing data, lists, types and importance of incidents in the process of reporting on incidents in ICT systems of special importance.