Confidence of citizens and economy in digital services should be strengthened

State Secretary in the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Tatjana Matić has stated at the opening of the Bizit conference 2016, that a successful digital transformation of business, in addition to good legal regulation and infrastructure, requires strengthening of the confidence of the citizens and the economy in the electronic services.

“Digital transformation of business has already started. 99.1% of the companies have the Internet, while on the other hand only 22.6% of the companies in Serbia employ ICT experts. As one of the main reasons for the lack of confidence in the introduction of new technological solutions in business models, is a fear of job loss, in spite of the estimations that every single job position which should be cancelled due to the introduction of the information technologies, can open 2.6 new job positions”, Ms Tatjana Matić has pointed out.

Потребно јачање поверења грађана и привреде у дигиталне сервисе

“If we take a look at the global developments, which the Republic of Serbia can join first through new technologies, the most successful companies belong to the technological sector. Among the strongest five companies in the world, four are technological companies, while only five years ago those places were taken by oil and financial companies”, the State Secretary has stated, pointing out that Serbian Government and the line Ministry have recognised the significance the information technology has as the means of general industrial growth.

She has reminded that the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications has already prepared the Strategy for Development of Information Technologies, which is under the procedure, and which defines the measures for encouraging the application of IT in other branches of industry as well as larger fund allocation, incentives for production of domestic IT products, cooperation of technological centres, faculties and industry, while the key measure is the development of staff potentials.

State Secretary has added that a faster and more successful digital transformation of business will be contributed by the new Law on Electronic Document, Electronic Identification and Electronic Trust Services, which is also under the procedure, and the implementation of the Law on Information Security.
“However, no matter how good the legal framework can be set by the government and no matter how well the communication infrastructure is improved, providing a larger number of electronic services, the key thing is to make citizens have confidence in those services. This is why it is necessary to promote the advantages of the use of new technologies and creation of a positive atmosphere for the implementation of a accelerated process of digital transformation so that we could prepare ourselves for the upcoming digital challenges of the most powerful economies in the world”, Ms Tatjana Matić has concluded.
The two-day Bizit conference 2016, organised by PC Press, is held at the Klub Polsanika, and the central topic is the digital transformation o business.