Information Security as a Global Challenge

“Law on Information Security has been popular today more than ever before, since the information security is a challenge for the entire world and since technological progress has been shaping our lives more than ever before”, says State Secretary in the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Tatjana Matić, in the meeting devoted to the implementation of the Law on Information Security, in the Serbian Chamber of Commerce.

“The Republic of Serbia is embracing the European and world trends and solutions of other countries which seriously address this issue, especially having in mind the approaching ear of the Internet of Things”, Ms Tatjana Matić has stressed, with regard to the presentation of the proposition of the Regulation of the Law on Information Security.

информациона безбедност

Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunication has created proposals for four Regulations of the Law on Information Security: Regulation on a closer content of the acts on security of the information and communication system of special importance, manner of control and content of the reports on control of security of the ICT systems of special importance; Regulation on a closer definition of measures of protection of ICT systems of special importance; Regulation on defining the lists of activities in the fields where general interest activities are performed and where the ICT systems of special importance are used; Regulation on the procedure of submitting the data, lists, types and importance of incidents and the process of information on the incidents in the ICT systems of special importance.

Law on Information Securityy, was adopted in late January this year, upon the proposal of the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunication, as the first systemic law in this field, ensuring the establishment of the institutional framework of the information security in the Republic of Serbia.

This year the Government has established a Body for coordination of information security, chaired by the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications, and a Special Working Group has been formed for the creation of the Strategy for Information Security Development in the Republic of Serbia, which will present the policy and guidelines for further work in this field.