Europe Code Week from October 15-23

State Secretary of the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications, Tatjana Marić has invited the representatives of the information community to join the European initiative to promote the coding, under the name of “Europe Code Week, which this year takes place on October 15-23.

The initiative of celebrating the code week was started in 2013 by the Young Advisors of the European Digital Agenda, with the aim to make the coding visible and available to all the citizens.

“It is important to show the children, the young but also the adults, employees, unemployed and the elderly that any idea can be realised with the support of programing and information technologies. The promotional and educational programs of this Code Week should demystify the programing and gather motivated people, regardless of their age and profession, to learn together”, Ms Tatjana Matić has explained.

The European Commission supports the “Europe Code Week” as a part of the strategy for a Single Digital Market, and also other independent initiatives supporting the development of digital skills, including programing for various target groups.

In 2015, 45 countries participated in this initiative – all EU Member States, as well as Ireland, Norway, Switzerland, Albania, Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey, and the events also took place in Australia, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, China, South Korea, Moldova, Morocco, Taiwan, Tunisia, Ukraine and America. Serbia has participated in over 300 events within the “Europe Code Week”.

All the planned events should be placed on the map of the “Europe Code Week”, at the site of