Mr Ljajic and Iraqi Ambassador talking on economic cooperation

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunication, Mr Rasim Ljajic has met today the Iraqi Ambassador to Serbia, Mr Kasim Asker Hasan, with whom he has talked about the ways to improve the overall economic cooperation and increase the volume of trade between the two countries.

Ambassador Kasim Asker Hasan has particularly underlined the interest of the Iraqi side in the establishment of the cooperation in the field of development of information and communication technologies, and the import of food and agricultural products from Serbia, primarily of flour, sunflower oil and sugar.

Deputy Prime Minister Mr Rasim Ljajic and Ambassador Kasim Asker Hasan have agreed that the development of economic relations of the two countries would be significantly contributed by the joint committee session for economic and trade cooperation, which was last held 15 years ago.

As the Ambassador Hasan has stated, the Iraqi side is interested in the cooperation in the field of health tourism, i.e. the visits of the Iraqi tourist to Serbian spas and health resorts.