Opening of the bypass route around the Golubac Fortress encourages the promotion of tourism

Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbia, Mr Aleksandar Vucic has stated early today when opening the tunnel and the bypass around the Golubac Fortress, that this project, worth 2.3 million euros, will bring Eastern Serbia close to Belgrade.

The tunnel and the bypass route have been opened by the Head of the EU Delegation to Serbia, Mr Michael Davenport, and the Ambassador of Austria to Serbia, Mr Johannes Eigner, as a part of the project of the “Revitalisation of the Golubac Fortress”, which started in 2012.

This project is funded by the EU with 6.5 million euros, and it is implemented by the Austrian Development Agency (ADA), in cooperation with the Serbian European Integration Office and the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunication.

Mr Vucic has said at the ceremony that the investment in the Danube and the Golubac region can bring life back to the Eastern Serbia, stressing out that Serbia will try to get more money from the EU for the development of the Danube since the river belongs to many European nations.

He has also pointed out that many people from in this area live and work in Austria, and invited them to come back to our country, since the investment of the state can revitalise Eastern Serbia.

As he has announced, Serbia will particularly work on the road and water infrastructure on the Danube, while with the financial support of the European Union it will continue the reconstruction and development of the Golubac Fortress.

Prime Minister has expressed gratitude to the Union for the financial assistance, giving his hopes that the assistance and support will be much stronger in the future.

Mr Davenport has stressed out that the Golubac Fortress is one of the most beautiful pearls on the Danube, which as a strategic location in the region has a turbulent history, and today is an example of a successful cooperation.

The Fortress, as he has said, is a part not only of Serbian history and cultural heritage, but of joint European history as well.

I am proud of the fact that the EU donated 6.5 million euros as a concrete contribution to this project of European scope, as he has said, adding that with this project the Union helps Serbia to develop the Danube Basin and its economic and tourist potential.

As he has stated, the project is a part of a wider programme of the EU and Serbia for the development of the Danube region, which has already presented concrete success, such as the new water supply system in Veliko Gradiste.

Mr Eigner has underlined that Austria gives its best to be friend of the countries of the Danube Basin, stating that the Government of the country has made a decision to provide 800.000 euros through the Austrian Development Agency for the continuation of the revitalisation of the Golubac Fortress.

Mayor of the Municipality of Golubac, Mr Nebojsa Mijvic, has underlined the importance of the revitalisation of the Golubac Fortress for this municipality, which goes along with the development strategy of Golubac, covering the development of tourism and agriculture and small and medium-sized enterprises.

As he has said, 30 to 40 young people of various profiles will find employment in this area in the near future, which will encourage the young to stay in their home town.

He has expressed his belief that Golubac will get a significant position in the tourist map of the Danube, Serbia and Europe, adding that the Government of Serbia and the local self-government have allocated 100 million dinars for the revitalisation of the Golubac Fortress.

Cars used to pass through the Town of Golubac, and the tunnel which is 152 metres long, 12 metres wide and 7 metres high, will facilitate the traffic in this part of the Djerdap highway.

The tunnel is constructed in line with the European standards, and it will contribute to the development of tourism in this part of Serbia.

The opening has been attended by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunication, Mr Rasim Ljajic, Minister of Interior, Mr Nebojsa Stefanovic, Minister without portfolio in charge of European Integration Ms Jadranka Joksimovic, representatives of the Austrian Development Agency, Municipality of Golubac and the company “Tvrđava Golubački grad”.