Market inspectors advise traders

Market Inspection started its official advisory visits to retailers, in accordance with Article 13 of the Law on Inspection Control (“Official Gazette of RS”, no. 36/2015), on the basis of the work plan for 2016.

Official advisory visit will include dealers who have a large number of retail establishments on the territory of the Republic of Serbia, namely: PTP DIS DOO Krnjevo, IDEA DOO Beograd, Delhaize Serbia DOO Beograd, Veropoulos DOO Belgrade, Aman DOOBelgrade, Metro Cash & Carry DOO Beograd, Lilly drogerie DOO Belgrade, DM drogerie markt DOO Belgrade, Đak DOO Belgrade, Planeta sport DOO Belgrade, Univerexport DOO, Merkator S DOO, Novi Sad, IM Matijević DOO Novi Sad, Trnava promet DOO Donja Trnava, Fortuna market DOO Aranđelovac, Orion Company DOO Leskovac and Zlatan trag DOO Leskovac.

The subject of this preventive action of market inspection is the implementation of the new Regulation on traffic records (“Official Gazette of RS”, no. 99/2015).

In accordance with this Regulation, all retailers are required to keep records of transactions of goods, which include information on procurement, sales and sales price of the goods.

The task of market inspection is to provide professional assistance to dealers when it comes to keeping track of traffic in the sales and purchase ledger, with the aim of encouraging and supporting the legality of the business.

If inspectors, during the official advisory visit, spot an omission, defect or irregularity in the business, they will not initiate infringement proceedings against the dealers, but they will make recommendations to the dealer on how to correct the irregularity and ensure legal business and the deadline within which it should be done.

Market Inspection will continue with preventive actions in other areas of control as well.