New Web Platform for e-Consumers

How to shop online, which websites are safe, who to turn to if I do not receive the product I ordered, who to complain to – all these and other questions by citizens of Serbia who shop online as of today have answers on the specialized online platform www.е

The online platform, the first of its kind in Serbia, was developed as part of the activities of the e-Business Development project, financed by the European Union. The project is implemented in cooperation with the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications and the Ministry of Economy of Serbia.

The main goal of the web platform is the education and information of consumers in Serbia of their rights, with particular emphasis on the rights of online consumers, complaint procedures and the safety of online shopping.

In addition to educational content, the web platform hosts a quiz with questions in this field. Everyone who responds to the questions correctly receives a certificate on the acquired knowledge.

The web platform will be presented in cooperation with the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications, consumer rights associations and regional development agencies during April, May and June 2016.

According to the survey implemented as part of the project activities in October 2015, around 35 percent of citizens shop online, mostly for clothes and footwear, and mostly on domestic websites, since they are believed to be safer, with payment upon receipt of goods.

Among online shoppers who did not have problems during online shopping, most of them, around 59 percent, would not know whom to complain to if problems were to occur.

The e-Business Development project is financed by the EU with 2.5 million euros, aiming to bring small and medium-sized enterprises closer to the concept of e-commerce, e-business and digital applications that can be used as an innovative tool to increase competitiveness and reduce the costs of doing business, as well as to empower consumers to use e-commerce.

More information on the project: