Hera Project: Hologram on Romuliana

State Secretary at the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Lukecija Đeri said in Zaječar that the “HERA” project is of great importance not only for the Timočki Region, but also for all of Serbia, and added that our cultural goods, already on the list of global cultural heritage, will be recognizable on the tourist market and positioned with other cultural goods in the Adriatic basin.

Hera Project: Hologram on Romuliana

At the closing conference of the “HERA” project held at the National Museum of Zaječar she said that the task of the Ministry was to reconstruct the three towers at the Gamzigrad Romuliana archaeological find, and to build a multimedia centre with an informative and educational character.

The goal was to see on location what Galerius’ palace looked like through a 3D multimedia projection, said Đeri.

Hera Project: Hologram on Romuliana

The development of a HERA seal is planned, i.e. a brand that would be recognizable and connect all locales encompassed by the project and thus position them all as a unified product on the tourist market, concluded Lukrecija Đeri.

The project envisages the improvement of the overall tourist experience at the Gamzigrad Romuliana find, through the use of state of the art technology for the interpretation of cultural heritage.

The novelty is that tourists can use a system of hologram projections, interactive panels and computer animations to discover and experience Roman court architecture.

The project “Managing Sustainable Tourism Based on the Common Cultural Heritage of the Adriatic Sea Region” has a total value of EUR 8.8 million, with 19 partners from 8 states cooperating in the project: Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia, Albania and Greece.