E-business training sessions for small and medium-sized enterprises

A number of e-business training sessions for small and medium-sized enterprises have been held as part of activities of the “E-Business Development” project funded by the European Union, and in cooperation with the National Agency for Regional Development and Regional Development Agencies (RDAs).

The aim of these training sessions is to present the basics of e-business to small and medium-sized enterprises and increase their understanding of the concept of e-commerce, e-business and digital applications that can be used as innovative means for increasing their competitiveness and reduce operating costs.

E-business training sessions for small and medium-sized enterprises

So far, the training has been held in Belgrade, Novi Sad, Valjevo, Leskovac, Vranje, Niš and Novi Pazar. The next training will be held on October 14, 2015 in Subotica, and then in other towns in which RDA seats are located.

The project beneficiaries and main partners are the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications and the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Serbia.

For more information about the project, please visit eposlovanje.biz