11th International “Smart e-Government 2015” Conference Opened

Assistant Minister for Information Society Sava Savić, opened today “Smart e-Government 2015” Conference at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Belgrade. Giving his opening speech, he said that the adoption of the Law on Information Security represents one step towards the harmonization of the legal framework of the Republic of Serbia with the EU in the area of information society.

Savić emphasized that the Law on Information Security represents a set of measures providing for ICT system to be able to protect the secrecy, integrity, availability, authenticity and non-repudiation of data being processed through that system.

11th International “Smart e-Government 2015” Conference Opened

The conference, focusing on the topic of “Cyber Security in Serbia: Legal, Organizational and Technical Aspects”, gathered representatives of public administration and the business community, government IT strategists, industry leaders, university professors and independent experts, aiming to provide a venue for discussing the growing trends in the standardization of new technologies for building a modern information society.

“Maintaining the security of ICT systems serves to protect fundamental human rights, personal data and privacy, guaranteed by international and national legal instruments”, said Savić.

A specialized roundtable tackling the subject of “Cyber Security in Serbia: Legal, Organizational and Technical Aspects” was also organized for the conference participants, including an exhibition of solutions organized alongside professional presentations during the plenary part of the Conference.

11th International “Smart e-Government 2015” Conference Opened

In his address, the Assistant Minister emphasized that, with the Cybersecurity Strategy in this area, the European Union declared its dedication to regulate the field of information security and to significantly increase its level, requiring the participation of competent state authorities with adequate human and technical capacities.

The conference and exhibition, to be held on 29 and 30 October, will feature numerous presentations by leading companies in the development of modern technologies for the implementation of public electronic services.

The conference is organized by ASIT (Association for Computing, Information Technology, Telecommunications and New Media of Serbia) in cooperation with the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government of the Republic of Serbia and the Directorate for eGovernment, the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications, the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Serbia and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia.