Iran’s business-trade center to be opened in Belgrade

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Rasim Ljajić and Minister of Economy Željko Sertić met today with an Iranian business delegation headed by Iranian Deputy Minister of Industries, Mines and Trade and Head of the Iranian Trade Promotion Organization Valiollah Afkhami.

At the meeting with the Iranian delegation comprising representatives of a number of state institutions and businessmen in the fields of trade and food, textile and petrochemical industry, Ljajić and Sertić discussed economic cooperation and ways to increase the volume of exchange of goods between the two countries.

It was agreed at the meeting that Iran’s first business-trade center – the hub of the Iranian economy for the entire Balkans – will be opened soon in Belgrade. The agreement was reached taking into consideration the fact that Serbia is the most important country in the region in terms of economy.

Ministers Sertić and Ljajić, and the Head of the Iranian Trade Promotion Organization Afkhami also agreed to organize a day of Serbia’s economy during the meeting of the Mixed committee on economic cooperation between the two countries in Teheran late this year.

It was agreed to ink on that occasion an agreement on joint appearance on third markets.