The collective agreement for PE “Post of Serbia” was signed today

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Rasim Ljajić signed today, together with the director of PE “Post of Serbia” Milan Krkobabić and the presidents of the two representative unions, the collective agreement for this public enterprise.

The new collective agreement for PE “Post of Serbia”, which was concluded for a period of three years, was made to comply with the new Law on Amendments to the Law on Labor.

Deputy Prime Minister Rasim Ljajić said after the signing that the new collective agreement supports the affirmation of social dialogue as an integral part of the economic policy of the Government of Serbia.

Ljajić added that the said document retains the acquired rights and further enhances the position of 15,000 employees in the “Post of Serbia” through guaranteeing the participation of workers in the distribution of income, increased earnings in the case of overtime and severance pay at retirement.

In addition to Ljajić and Krkobabić, the collective agreement was signed by the President of the union “PTT Independence” Snežana Marković and the President of the union “PTT Serbia” Aleksandar Pavlović.