1.1 billion RSD to be set aside for commodity reserves in 2015

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Rasim Ljajić said that 1.130 billion RSD will be set aside for commodity reserves in the coming year; nearly half the amount will be used for the purchase of basic foodstuffs, including maize.

Ljajić stated that 300 million RSD will be allocated for energy and 350 million RSD will be used for the purchase of equipment for emergency situations.

The Minister said that the purchase of wheat is not planned in 2015, because there is enough wheat in stock, but that, if need be, the State will allocate funds for this purpose.

– There is currently about 200,000 tons of wheat in stock, and this amount is sufficient for consumption over two months for the whole territory of Serbia – said the minister.

He recalled that the Government will adopt a decision on making an intervention from the commodity reserves with at least 30,000 tons of wheat in order to stabilize the market and ensure price stability.

Speaking of the thefts of wheat and corn by authorized storage keepers, he said that the greatest savings will be achieved by preventing the theft of commodity reserves, because, as he said, apparently this has been one of the most profitable businesses for years.

– They would not have earned more money had they traded in gold or guns. Because the State is paying them for the lease of the storage space, and they are selling something that is not theirs – said the Minister.

He said that a public call for storage keepers was announced for the first time in accordance with the Law on Public Procurement and that it should be completed by the end of the year, which would allow the control of current storage keepers as well.

In addition to greater control of the storage keepers, Ljajić said that a permanent solution to prevent abuse in this area would be for the State to provide a greater number of State-controlled warehouses.

– He pointed out that currently, there are about 70 warehouses for wheat and corn, and that only one of those is owned by the State.

Commenting on the news that the Prosecutor’s Office for Organized Crime and the Police arrested four people yesterday suspected of damaging the Republic Directorate for Commodity Reserves by about 270 million RSD, Ljajić said that this is just a consequence of the thefts, which have been taking place for years, and which was detected last year when the control of 77 authorized storage keepers revealed a shortage of 50,000 tons of wheat and 30,000 tons of corn in 18 warehouses.

– Criminal complaints were filed and procedure is underway – said Ljajić.