Sector for information society

Sava Savić
Assistant minister
011/ 20-20-072

The Information Society Sector performs the activities in respect of: planning and preparation of the information society development strategy; preparation and monitoring of the projects in the area of information society development; participation in implementation of public procurements of information systems with other bodies; development and improvement of academic, i.e. educational and scientific and research computer network (АМRES); preparation of proposals for establishing and implementation of Government policy in the area of information society development; undertaking of the measures for promotion and incitement of research and development of information and communications technologies (ICT); application of information and communications technologies and provision of information services; development and functioning of information and communications infrastructure; preparation of professional foundations for the preparation of draft laws and other acts; monitoring implementation of the law on electronic signature and the law on electronic document; provision of professional assistance in preparation of tender documents and preparation for announcement and implementation of the competitions; analysis of the database structure and data exchange formats; data protection and information safety; monitoring and analysis of the potentials for support of the information society development in industry and public institutions, as well as other activities in this area.