Matić: The distribution of application forms for the allocation of free STB devices to the most vulnerable categories

In an interview for the Morning Program of “TV PINK”, State Secretary at the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Tatjana Matić said that the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications, together with the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy is preparing and distributing the application forms for the allocation of STB devices to all the Centers for Social Welfare and all the branches of the PIO Fund where the most vulnerable citizens will be able to apply for a free STB device.

“The Government of RS has adopted a Regulation which defines the categories of the most vulnerable consumers as those receiving financial and material social assistance, pensioners with the lowest pension income and persons receiving care and assistance”, said the State Secretary.

The State Secretary urged citizens to apply as soon as possible adding that it is planned that the application process will be finished by February or March of 2015.