Strict control of the black market of oil

Controlling and marking fuel is the means to stand in the way of the black market of petroleum products. Since August this year, the Market Inspection withdrew 540 thousand liters of fuel of unknown origin from the market.

Fuel is controlled in the refineries, warehouses, barges, tankers and most importantly at fuelling stations. The inspectors have suspended sale at the stations where irregularities were detected. As many as 95 out of 163 licenses to trade oil products were revoked.

Slaviša Petković, Head of the Department for technical supervision of the Market Inspection says that the state has sent a clear message that such offenses will have serious consequences. “The penalties are very high. The possibility of prohibiting the activities of the companies for a period from six months to three years has been taken very taken seriously by the subjects,” said Petković, noting that of 1450 reservoirs where the derivative were sampled, only 23 showed a drop in the concentration of the marker, which is below two percent.

“Drivers can be absolutely sure that such fuel is revoked by the Market Inspection and simply cannot find its way to the consumer” noted Petković.

It was noted that the data on subjects who were operated improperly will be available after the court proceedings.