Nikčević: Successful negotiations within the bilateral screening for Chapter 30

Stevan Nikčević, State Secretary at the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications, who chaired the Working Group at the bilateral screening for negotiations Chapter 30, said that so far he was satisfied with the results of the talks with the experts of the European Commission on the subject of harmonization of the foreign trade relations of Serbia with the EU’s common policies.

Trade in arms and dual-use goods was discussed during the bilateral screening dealing with economic relations. “Serbia has made progress in this area, given that the National Assembly has just adopted a law on import and export of arms and military equipment, and last year, the law on trade in dual-use goods was adopted, both laws are fully compliant with European legislation”, said Nikčević.

Head of the Serbian team for negotiations with the European Union Tanja Miščević was present at the negotiations in Brussels.